Registration Opens for 15th Annual European Editorial Manager User Group Meeting

October 4, 2018 | North Andover, Massachusetts – Aries Systems invites current and prospective users of Editorial Manager and ProduXion Manager to attend the 15th Annual European User Group Meeting (EEMUG). EEMUG 2019 will be held at the America Square Conference Centre in London on January 17-18, 2019.

Aries Systems’ User Group Meetings provide opportunities to learn about the latest workflow software innovations and provide feedback that will shape the development road map for future releases. EEMUG is a must-attend event for executives and staff with strategic responsibility for peer review and production workflow. As one attendee of the 2018 U.S. User Group Meeting commented: “Being part of the conversation regarding new and improved features of future versions of the EM software is incredibly useful.”

EEMUG 2019 will feature use cases presented by customers, talks on publishing industry advances and changes, and the opportunity to network with colleagues over cocktails on Thursday evening.

Sessions will include an interactive workshop to brainstorm ideas for enhancing the Author, Reviewer, and Editor workflow experience; ORCID Reviewer Recognition; transfer to and from preprints; immersive Editorial Manager and ProduXion Manager “bootcamps”; multiple EAR reporting use cases; Identity Confidence Check; Decision Support Tools use cases; MECA updates and more. View the agenda for additional details.

To learn more and register, watch this short video or visit our registration web page at Now through December 17, discounted “early-bird” rates are in effect. Space is limited, register today!

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About Aries |

Aries Systems transforms the way scholarly publishers bring high-value content to the world. The company’s innovative and forward-looking workflow solutions manage the complexities of modern print and electronic publishing­–from submission, to editorial management and peer review, to production tracking and publishing channel distribution. As the publishing environment evolves, Aries Systems is committed to delivering solutions that help publishers and scholars enhance the discovery and dissemination of human knowledge. Publish faster, publish smarter, with Aries Systems. Follow Aries on Twitter: @AriesSystems