
Springer and Overleaf collaborate for one-click submission to more than twenty journals using Aries technology

Last week, cloud-based authoring platform Overleaf announced that Springer is integrating 20 journals, and the Springer Transfer Desk, with their online LaTeX and rich text collaborative writing and publishing platform. These 20 Springer journals, including Discrete & Computational Geometry, Journal of Mathematical Biology, and Climate Dynamics and more, will each offer simplified, one-click submission links from the Overleaf platform directly into the Springer manuscript submission system via Overleaf’s integration with the Editorial Manager Ingest Service.

New ORCID Metrics

ORCIDs are growing in EM! This year, the number of EM journals allowing authors to login with ORCID credentials rose to over 2,500. It only takes one click to simplify author sign in, and capture authenticated ORCID information in the process.

Funders & Integrations

The latest very useful STM Report cites more than $1.6 trillion spent each year by research funders. Since funders use journal output to evaluate the outcomes of their investments, they are urging publishers to collect more, granular, and structured manuscript data. Funders are also pushing for more (open) access to manuscripts and underlying data.

A solution for institutions: Simplify APC workflows

Last month, a report released by Research Consulting estimated the administrative cost to institutions for making articles OA via the gold route: around $130 per article (does not include publisher-side administrative costs). As OA activity increases, the research ecosystem needs to implement more streamlined and cost effective workflows.

Open Access is a Business Now

Aries Vice President of Sales and Marketing, Richard Wynne participates as a guest on the Copyright Clearance Center’s “Beyond the Book” podcast to discuss Open Access with Chris Kenneally of the CCC, and industry consultant Joe Esposito. Listen here.