CRediT Taxonomy Published as ANSI/NISO Standard

Alongside the American National Standards Institute (ANSI), the National Information Standards Organization (NISO) recently announced its publication of CRediT as an official ANSI/NISO standard, Z39.104-2022. A Standing Committee and Community of Interest Group will be established by NISO to continue promote the taxonomy, keep it current for the industry’s needs, and encourage community participation and engagement.

CRediT, a taxonomy designed to allow researchers to designate various levels of individual input for scholarly works, has been integrated with Editorial Manager® (EM) since 2016. The Contributor Roles Taxonomy consists of 14 predefined classifications that are consistent across all publications using the taxonomy. Publications using EM can configure the integration to make the assignment of contributor roles required or optional by Authors at submission. Authors can allocate one or more contributor roles to themselves and to Co-Authors within the system, and then select from three levels of contributor degrees for each role – lead, equal, or supporting.

CRediT enables a consistent and accurate method of identifying and collecting granular research contributions, supporting visibility and acknowledgement for Authors, publishers, and research funders. This helpful integration is currently used by several publishers using Editorial Manager, including Cell Press, PLOS, and JBJS.


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