Streamline User Login to EM/PM with ORCID Single Sign-On

Editorial Manager® (EM) and ProduXion Manager® are used by thousands of scholarly publications worldwide. As each EM/PM site functions as a unique database, users are required to create an account for each individual journal. To relieve this burden and streamline the login process, Aries Systems has partnered with ORCID to offer a single sign-on (SSO) option for EM and PM!

In order to qualify for ORCID SSO, users must register with their ORCID iD for a particular journal site or subsequently add it to their existing EM/PM account. With this, users can then login with their ORCID credentials rather than with their EM/PM username and password. This eliminates the need to remember numerous sets of login credentials for each individual journal they are affiliated with, ultimately streamlining the login process.

ORCID single sign-on button on journal login page

Journals must have the ORCID Single Sign-On configuration activated within their EM/PM deployment for users to take advantage of this functionality. If turned on, users will see the option to login via ORCID within the sign-in box. Editorial Manager communicates via the ORCID API to authorize the login. Editorial offices also have the option to customize the ORCID sign-in page with their unique organizational branding.

For assistance configuring ORCID Single Sign-On for your journal portfolio, contact your Aries Account Coordinator.

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