Free Webinar “Better Together: Editorial Manager® and ORCID” to Take Place June 5th

Join Aries Systems and ORCID staff for a free webinar next Wednesday, June 5th 2019 from 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM EDT to learn how Editorial Manager and ORCID are “better together”!

The webinar, part of ORCID’s Better Together webinar series, will explore how the Editorial Manager®/ORCID integration has progressed over time, the many options available to publishers, and the most recent developments from Aries and ORCID. Members of the ORCID and Aries teams will provide an overview of the numerous integration points and options for ORCID within Editorial Manager® and how these integrations benefit publishers, Authors, and Reviewers. Ample time will be left at the end of the presentation for attendee questions.

Aries Systems and ORCID have partnered since 2012 to make unique researcher identifiers a key component of publishing workflows. Aries’ use of the ORCID API allows publications using Editorial Manager® and ProduXion Manager® to collect user-verified ORCID iDs from Authors, Co-Authors, Reviewers, and Editors in a manner that fits their individual workflow and policies.

As an infrastructure community, ORCID relies on the organizations that build connections to the ORCID registry and enable transparent and responsible data sharing. This reliance is also an opportunity to work with every sector in research and innovation, building relationships within and between them. In the “Better Together” series of events, ORCID joins their partners to share the ways that working together can improve the data practices and burdens of research institutions, researchers, and more.

Don’t miss out on the opportunity to learn more about how Editorial Manager and ORCID work together to provide innovative peer review solutions such as Single Sign On and Reviewer Recognition. Register now: