Journal profile: Wolters Kluwer’s Medicine
Medicine® journal from Wolters Kluwer’s Lippincott portfolio successfully transitioned from a subscription-based business model to Open Access (OA) on March 31, 2014. The journal has received over 4,000 submissions thus far in 2017, with a percentage of these being transferred to Medicine® from other WK journals.
Since transitioning to OA, the journal has received over 20,000 submissions. Time from submission to first decision is just over a month, while time from decision to publication is just under a month.
The journal uses Editorial Manager for submission and peer review workflow, including the Similarity Check integration from Crossref.
“We recognized an opportunity in the market to transition Medicine® as a broad-based open access journal focused on scientific research in a wide array of article types, including case reports, original research, study protocols, etc. Our measure for success was to increase the number of submissions while also providing authors with a high quality peer review. We’ve reached that goal and are encouraged by the positive growth we’re seeing based on article submissions,” said Tom Pacific, Publisher, Medicine® journal, Wolters Kluwer.
The journal is indexed in MEDLINE, PubMed, PubMed Central, Europe PMC, Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ), Web of Science, ISI Journal Citation Reports and Ovid®.