New Overleaf report underscores importance of supporting collaboration
Aries impressively integrates with many industry partners, both requiring and further enabling ecosystem collaboration throughout the workflow. One of Aries’ EM Ingest integration partners, Overleaf, recently published The Connected Culture of Collaboration, an interesting and helpful report for publishers, researchers and everyone in between.
There are several helpful insights within the report, including the following from the Foreword by ORCID Executive Director Dr Laurel Haak:
“We can look at the process of collaboration, the people involved, the places that support research. With this we are starting to get at the essential question: how is the knowledge generated helping us to live better lives? Answering this question requires that we be intentional in our infrastructure, and use standard ontologies, unique identifiers for noun objects (people, places and things), and APIs, all the while respecting individual agency and privacy.”
The piece underscores the importance of recognizing all contributorship- not just authorship- (on page 8) in a persistent way, noting that one way to do this is using the existing Editorial Manager integration with CRediT.
Aries is committed to ensuring that Editorial Manager continues to support collaborative scholarly works within submission and peer review workflows. If you haven’t seen what our system is capable of, please visit our video library to learn more.