Springer and Overleaf collaborate for one-click submission to more than twenty journals using Aries technology
Last week, cloud-based authoring platform Overleaf announced that Springer is integrating 20 journals, and the Springer Transfer Desk, with their online LaTeX and rich text collaborative writing and publishing platform. These 20 Springer journals, including Discrete & Computational Geometry, Journal of Mathematical Biology, and Climate Dynamics and more, will each offer simplified, one-click submission links from the Overleaf platform directly into the Springer manuscript submission system via Overleaf’s integration with the Editorial Manager Ingest Service.
Each journal will provide an online link from the journal website to the Springer article template within the Overleaf platform. This will provide authors with a fast, simple way to collaborate and write their articles, with no manual setup required. Overleaf ‘TeXperts’ are also on hand to help with any questions the authors have whilst writing their papers. And with real-time, automated composition, the author can see what the finished file will look like – as they write. Once the manuscript is complete, the author will be able to submit the file for publication with one-click. The file and necessary metadata will automatically transfer to the Springer submission system via the Aries, Editorial Manager ingest service – significantly simplifying the submission process.
The 20 journals taking part in this initial set up are: Discrete & Computational Geometry, Journal of Mathematical Biology, Climate Dynamics, Geometriae Dedicata, Journal of Algebraic Combinatorics, Boundary-Layer Meteorology, Statistical Papers, Transport in Porous Media, Celestial Mechanics and Dynamical Astronomy, Biomechanics and Modeling in Mechanobiology, Environmental and Resource Economics, Acta Informatica, OR Spectrum, The Mathematical Intelligencer, Language Resources and Evaluation, Journal of Computer Virology and Hacking Techniques, Statistical Methods & Applications, Journal of Geodesy, Psychometrika, De Economist, and the Springer Transfer Desk.
Read the full press release on Overleaf’s website.