Version 12.2 Update: Top 5 Innovations

There’s a lot in store for Editorial Manager and ProduXion Manager users in 2016. But you’ve already heard about that. Here are the ‘don’t miss’ highlights included in version 12.2.

RTE12.2Rich Text Letters

Rich Text e-mail letters can be customized “on-the-fly,” using a (rather beautiful) graphical interface for bolding, list, italics, etc.







reviewerdiscussionforumsReviewer Discussion Forum

How open do you want to be? Reviewer discussion forums allow journals to decide! This new option allows for reviewers to join in discussion with editors. If the discussion participation is desired without exposing identity, reviewer names can be withheld within the forum.

Flag History

In response to user feedback, there is now a way to track when specific flags are turned on, and off, for submissions. This information can also be exported in reports.


Another wish-list item for many customers has been to have the option to configure situational auto-withdraw. Version 12.2 grants this wish. If an author declines to revise, or is unresponsive, the editorial office can set a deadline after which the submission is automatically withdrawn.


More helpful grids, in more helpful places. Notice that in 12.2, PowerGrids are the default option for all saved searches.PowerGrid-web

These are just a few examples of the innovative, and user focused enhancements included in version 12.2. Review the release notes for all of the gory detail.