resource library main imageWant to help improve Editorial Manager (EM) and ProduXion Manager (PM)? Sign up to participate in Aries’ user interface (UI) and user experience (UX) research sessions!

EM/PM users can volunteer to provide feedback on current workflows and upcoming designs to help Aries make data-driven enhancements to the system as part of our UI/UX redesign initiative. Once subscribed, the Aries UI/UX Design team will solicit direct user feedback through low-touch, little-commitment research activities such as surveys, interviews, design prototype testing, and usability sessions! Volunteers will be invited to participate in research activities only a handful of times annually and may opt-out of feedback opportunities at any time.

Complete the form below to be contacted by a member of the Aries UI/UX Design team in the future to improve the Editorial Manager experience!


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