
Similarity Check: Helping Editors with Automated Plagiarism Detection in Editorial Manager

Ensuring manuscript authenticity is crucial for Editors and journal staff. For this reason, Aries Systems has partnered with Crossref to integrate Similarity Check with Editorial Manager® (EM). Similarity Check is powered by iThenticate, a plagiarism detection tool that compares text from submitted manuscripts to information on the Internet and content from more than 40 millionRead More

More Submission Options for Authors with Ingest Service

Authors often take advantage of various tools to prepare their manuscript and supplemental files prior to submission to a scholarly journal. Such manuscript preparation services include language polishing, journal selection assistance, bibliography management, and collaborative authoring solutions – all providing great benefits to Authors. For example, a newly released report from Editage, an Aries partner,Read More

Efficient Technologies: Our Favorite Aries Innovations

Aries Systems is committed to continued innovation and process improvements in order to maintain our standard of delivering excellence. Our workflow management systems, Editorial Manager® (EM) and ProduXion Manager® (PM), are frequently enhanced with numerous new software releases each year. To ensure our solutions meet customer needs, incorporate industry trends, adhere to technical standards, andRead More

Alyssa M. Taylor, Managing Editor APSR, on EEMUG 2019

The 15th Annual European Editorial Manager User Group is quickly approaching! We asked frequent attendee Alyssa M. Taylor, Managing Editor of the American Political Science Review (APSR) a few questions about the meeting. Read her responses to learn more about Aries User Group Meetings and see her advice for first-time attendees. View the EEMUG agendaRead More

Aries Celebrates Peer Review Week

The fourth annual Peer Review Week will run from September 10-15th. This year the event’s focus is Diversity and Inclusion in Peer Review. To celebrate Peer Review Week, we’ve curated a list of our favorite Editorial Manager tools and integrations that support peer review by ensuring that all participants in the peer review process receive recognition for their efforts in an unbiased way–disambiguating Author, Reviewer, and Editor contributions on a granular level.

What are users saying about Editorial Manager?

We sat down with Editorial Manager users and partners at our 2018 User Group Meeting and asked them to tell us about their experiences working with Aries and Editorial Manager. Watch the video now to see what they said. Thank you to all those who shared their stories, workflow tips, and feedback with us. [tubepressRead More

Spring 2018 Innovation Update

Hoping to be more efficient this spring? Want to save time during peer review? Try these recent innovations to streamline your journal workflow. Simplify Author Submission with Xtract Editorial Manager Xtract saves Authors’ time by pre-populating metadata fields using data from their submitted Word manuscript file, reducing the time it takes to complete the submissionRead More

Decision Support Tools: Spotlight on StatReviewer

Beginning in version 15.0, StatReviewer joins the comprehensive list of decision support tools integrated into Editorial Manager. StatReviewer analyzes the statistical and reporting integrity of scholarly manuscripts. Integration into Editorial Manager means that Editors and Reviewers benefit from automatic and comprehensive analysis at their fingertips. Watch the video. StatReviewer supplements the work of human ReviewersRead More